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Duke of Edinburgh: Initial thoughts


Welcome to a new series I’m starting on my blog. Recently I’ve signed up to do the Duke of Edinburgh and I think it would be interesting to write about my experiences of it. I’ve decided to post these at the same time I usually post blog posts, just because I think it’s easier to do it instead of having a different day to post (or maybe I’m just too lazy to do this and normal posts).

A few weeks ago I was asked if I wanted to do the Duke of Edinburgh and I was so excited to do it. Nobody was entirely sure how I would do it but everyone was really supportive and encouraging of me. I had my first DofE meeting a week ago and I was terrified, I hadn’t really thought about the fact that I would have to work with other people in my year so when I walked into the room I was overwhelmed by the amount of people also doing it. None of my friends were there, there were only a handful of people I knew by name. I’ve always been anxious around people I don’t know well, but the thought of walking up a mountain with a group of awkward adolescents made me feel sick. Our DofE leader was really helpful and explained what we would be doing. I learned that I’m going to have to do the three sections, physical activity, volunteering and an expedition

I already knew I could do my gymnastics for the physical section and I’ve already asked my coach so that was easy. For my volunteering I am going to volunteer for my local community centre, running the social media. Due to the pandemic and a lack of coordination, I decided not to do any physical volunteering which is what most people do.

The expedition section is where things get interesting for me, because of COVID the expedition won’t be overnight. I will still be required to walk for 2 days but I’ll be able to go home for the night. Personally, I’m very determined and I want to walk the entire distance, however, my legs may not allow that so as a back up my instructor wants to get me an off road wheelchair just in case I get too tired. We’re still in the process of getting this wheelchair but I will update you on this when/if I get it. I’m definitely the most anxious for the expedition section but I suppose I’ll just have to see how it goes.

I’m excited to share this with you and hopefully I’ll be able to help other disabled people who are interested in doing DofE or just satisfy the curiosity of those of you wondering how I’m going to manage



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